I made an interesting discovery. The word idiot, within the context of Athenian Democracy, refers to someone who shunned his civic duty in favour of a self-centred and hedonistic lifestyle. I had always thought of the word idiot as a person mentally retarded or impeded in some way, like an idiot savant. However, I was not far wrong from the Athenian definition. A child's world is very small and very personal. A child dropping his ice cream is the adult equivalent of losing his job in its emotional intensity. As the child matures his Subjective Reality expands. He also becomes more self-sufficient. That is after all the very definition of maturity -- the ability of self-sustaining production. Every animal must produce or die. This is nature's first law and its greatest axiom. Among the higher animals a parent teaches its off-spring how to survive – how to produce or how to avoid being the fruits of another animal's production. Therefore it is the first responsibility of a parent to prepare their children to be self-sufficient adults. As the child's Subjective Reality expands it bumps into the realities of others and he has to deal with that. He also becomes aware of karma -- cause and effect. He learns how his actions affect others, how the actions of others affect him, and how to manage karma. In other words, he learns politics. This is what it means to be an adult. A mature person who has not learned these lessons can be described as an idiot. Perhaps his parents and educators never taught him how to be an adult. Perhaps he was cared for so much that he never learned self-responsibility. Maybe he was protected from failure so he never learned from his mistakes, or worse his socialist artificial reality perpetuated his child state by accommodating his needs while fostering dependency and a sense of entitlement at the expense of others. The product of all these factors is a self-centred, arrogant, egotistic, hedonistic, undeveloped individual in perpetual childhood -- an idiot. Now I will often preach selfishness and hedonism as virtues since the pursuit of happiness is the purpose of life. However, there is an important caveat. Reason. Rational self-interest is not the same as being self-centred. A self-centred person sets their egoic emotional state supreme regardless of facts and negative consequences. He sees the existence of others as an end to himself, just as a child sees his parents, but he extends this relationship to the rest of the world. A man of rational self-interest recognises that he exists for no ones ends, but neither do others exist for his ends. Every human life is an end in itself and the property of no other man or group of men. Therefore he must trade values with others as equal partners. Rational hedonism adheres to these Epicurean principles. Pleasure with no negative consequence must be embraced. Pleasure that either has a negative consequence or prevents a greater pleasure must be avoided. Pain that defers a greater pain or leads to a greater pleasure is to be embraced. The way of Epicurus is not a blind self-indulgent hedonism driven by pleasure as an end in itself. It does not condone a spend now, pay later, I want, I want, consumeristic lifestyle with no thought to the consequences. The self-centred, hedonistic mantra of the idiot is summed-up in the following lyrics from Andy Prieboy. I come from a race of white criminals and a species of creeps. Petty, venal, interchangeable as sheep, bleating and begging to my God up above, "If you give me more everything, I'll give thee more love. More pleasure, more silver, and prominence increase, make me the prettiest, my opponent the least. And yes one more thing, dear God, please let there be somebody somewhere who's waiting for me" This passage describes a society desperately hungry for more. Now I'm all for getting more, but it has to be earned. Only an idiot demands something for nothing. What are you willing to produce and trade in order to get more love, money, fame, and success, or are you angry that the universe appears to have given to some and not to you even though you cried loud enough. There was a day over a century ago when certain people were allowed to be idiots. Men were the primary producers and land owners were the most successful producers. These men were called "gentlemen". Beneath them were those dependent on his production, such as wives, children, and employees. If he fell, then they all fell. He had a sense of responsibility and his dependents respected and appreciated him. It was because of this key position that only land-owners were allowed to participate in government, either directly or indirectly through the ballot. The working classes and women were not expected to take part and so they could opt out and be idiots with no social stigma. I want to go on a short tangent here and write a bit about "man talk". As a post-feminist man, I was taught that men and women were equal and should come together as such. Women were not to be excluded from the gentleman's club. However, men and women are different and the gentleman's club was an environment tailored specifically for the male psyche and his world. Conversation was sometimes nonexistent as men often enjoy solitary, silent contemplation, or it revolved around production, politics, and other intellectual topics. A quick word on sport. I am not very fond of sports, but for many this is the defining quality of manhood and therefore male conversation. A man likes sports and action movies. For the gentleman, sports were always a secondary pastime and not the obsession it is today. The lower classes tended to live vicariously through the accomplishments real life athletes or fictional heroes, while the gentleman was too busy living to expend excessive time in such pursuits. Some women take a keen interest in production and politics, however they are the exception rather than the rule. I suspect most women would find the gentleman's club rather dull. It might be nice for a visit, but it was not created for her. Likewise modern men obsessed with sport and other entertainment such as films and music would also feel left out, unless of course the films illustrate important points of a more philosophical nature. For example, think of Christian Bales' portrayal of Batman's Bruce Wayne persona in Batman Begins. This is a classic idiot, a man with money, power, and fame who does nothing but play. To him the world of gentlemen, the world of production and politics, is a point of humour. Sure, he feigns participation, but it is only part of his charade within a charade. The world is full of such people who spend the majority of their time playing, but who occasionally still like to sound politically involved. So they spout whatever opinions they have as if they have actually studied political and social theory. Unfortunately due to their fame they are given the soap box and people actually listen to them. In the old Victorian system the idiots knew their place. These days anyone over the age of eighteen can vote and some feel that they need to take some civic responsibility, however they have not done their homework. So they are hardly qualified to have an opinion on anything. Better they just go play and leave grown-up topics to the grown-ups. During the 2008 US presidential campaign a woman was asked who she planned to vote for. She answered Obama. Why says the interviewer. His policies. Which policies? "Um, I don't know, my mother does. He danced on Oprah." Then we all have a laugh. Among the Victorians this would have been acceptable because women were expected to be ignorant and have nonsense views, however these days such people can vote, and therefore have a responsibility to be either educated or opt out. It is a shame that our language has been so corrupted that the word idiot has lost its meaning. An idiot is not defined as anyone who disagrees with me. Despite its negative connotation it is not necessarily an insult. Some people are idiots and that's okay because they may have other positive qualities. My complaint is when idiocy becomes the socially accepted norm and gentlemen are seen as being socially "out of touch" rather than the leaders of men. I become frustrated by the media constantly elevating actors, pop stars, and sport figures to high status simply because they entertain us. This is the mark of a society of idiots. I believe in the classical liberal dream of inclusion. These Victorian libertarians did not deny the natural hierarchy that put the gentleman's club at the top. They simply wanted to bring more people into the club. However, instead of creating the opportunities to allow inclusion, the Progressives shifted the power-base to include the lowest common denominator. Rather than raising people out of idiocy it empowered idiocy. Today the gentleman's club seems smaller than ever and yet they still rule. It often shocks people when I say that I do not necessarily consider myself to be intelligent. I'm not feigning modesty or being insecure. Rather I consider myself to be culturally literate and good at making connections between concepts. I am very aware that even given my sub-genius intellect if I were to travel in time to the Victorian era, I would be considered an idiot. In my lifetime I have witness the expansion of idiocy and the decline of reason. I look back to history and literature and I see that the decline has been occurring over the past century. I am a product of this idiot society, but I do not want to be an American idiot living in perpetual childhood. I want to be a gentleman. A bit of a rogue of course, but a gentleman nonetheless. So what is an idiot? We define a thing by what it does, but the manifestations are not the cause. Idiocy is a child-mind that does not see the big picture, from the fundamental principles to the long-term consequences. It sees only their immediate, emotional state and the need to perpetuate a constant level of self-gratification in order to maintain happiness. That is the cause. It manifests as a disinterest in politics or civic involvement and places a high-value on entertainment at the expense of production. It values image over substance, ego over self, pleasure over discipline, and whim over reason. It never grasps the concept that the virtues of substance, self, discipline, and reason lead to greater happiness and that is why they are virtues. Again, these manifestations of idiocy were once considered acceptable and excusable traits for dependents, such as women, children, and the lower classes, but never for society as a whole, not as virtues. The goal was to raise people out of idiocy, not to encourage and promote it. If a child was left to its own devices he may try to live on sweets and other junk food. Adults enjoy sweets too, but they don't try to live off them and they certainly never pretend that they are good for you. Likewise, idiots may be beautiful, sexy, fun, thrilling, and entertaining, but that does not excuse striving to be one. I've tried to be an idiot most of my life, and frankly I'm tired of it.
Sunday, 28 February 2010
Don’t Want To Be an American Idiot
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Very interesting summary and parallels. I love the energy you transfer in your elegant observations. I admire a strong point of view.
ReplyDeleteI do believe that you are right when you point out especially to the lack of life experience and turbulence that makes us learn and grow. As a king once said, I am paraphrasing “the plague makes us see” in the movie “Restoration” (1995) where the hedonistic physician (Robert Downey Jr.) learns life.
I must say, idiots make me suspicious. The kings Joker figure always seemed very cunning to me. And I came to the same conclusion throughout my life. A great number of idiots intend to appear so because they did come to a conclusion that pretending not to know is safer, but at the same time thinking of someone as of an idiot would most lightly allow him/her access to certain information for later manipulation. Most idiots chose to be so, they decide that the easy life suits them better, they are lazy, but greedy, with no sense of responsibility, and very often perfect conman capable of great deception. One must be careful with idiots, they have cruel aspirations and unexpected advantages.
As for the women’s role, the exclusion from participation in political, social and scientific endeavors to the point of falling in the comfortable idiot’s category, I feel is forcefully created throughout history after the matriarchate that would prove very successful. I agree that the women are very different from the men and do not belong in the Gentlemen’s club. But I also do feel that political/diplomatic skills in particular are very much in the nature of women, I believe their minds are designed to cope on very subtle levels. The society, however, still considers the profile of the successful woman in any field as one with manly characteristics often over-exaggerated. I believe that the feminine element in fact is the specific force behind the special women.
It is very evident that we do live in a world of children with big toys that refuse to grow up in the protecting arms of the patronizing public viewer. The consequences of masses tastes creating the criteria of the today’s “public” opinion and taste frighten me as they lead to pampered neo primitivism but without the bravery of the hunter.
Warm Regards,
As I was writing this a bizarre image popped into my head. The tea and jealousy scene from the recent film version of The Importance of Being Ernest between Celia and Miss Fairfax. For me, the scene illustrates the lady's charm, diplomacy, firmness, and skill with politics. The same subtlety you mentioned.
ReplyDeleteIn her book, The Men in Your Life, Genevieve Dariaux observed that it is difficult to turn an ordinary man into a gentleman as it takes years, some say generations, to cultivate. I believe the same holds true for the lady. The task is all the more difficult in an age in which the terms are thrown about as mere synonyms for men and women.
One thing that I love about Steampunk, or Neo-Victorianism, is that it imagines a world of inclusion. This is one where a woman can sit in the gentleman's club if it suits her. She is not there to find a man, be a distraction, or to change things, but because she is interested and capable of bringing value. Rather like the goddess Athena who was always seen as one of the boys but still very much a woman.